And a movie about a teddy bear …

July 4, 2012

The boys were still sound asleep when we arrived to pick up them at CB’s on Tuesday morning, however CB only had to mention biscuits and gravy and they were racing to the showers to get ready for a down home Memphis breakfast feast. We were out the door in 15 minutes. After our overwhelming

It’s the crack of dawn ….

July 1, 2012

and the nephews, TWWNCBUIP and I are loaded into the minivan, about to head out on Road Trip 2012. First stop Memphis. It seems we have made our way to Memphis as the first stop on several Road Trips…could be that’s because Memphis has been home to Chicken Boy and Calvin (CB’s wife) for the

Crying in the chapel…..

April 23, 2012

Arriving in Rome we were taken immediately to our hotel – The Giulo Cesare, where we were greeted by a rep of VBT – the quite dapper, Dr. Utr. Ius Frank Van den Broeke.  Snappy jacket, purple tie, white hat and a bicycle. After a brief orientation, with special instructions about how to always “stand

A few confessions …

April 20, 2012

Things are winding down for the bikers. A quick ride in the morning. Off to Lecce for lunch and a Cappucino. Visit to another church where I heard a few confessions. Naptime in the Masseria.[slideshow] Farewell dinner. Head count before boarding the bus, and we are off to the airport in Brendisi.

No biking today …..

April 18, 2012

Our bike tour was to begin in Trulli today, so we had to transport the bikes to the starting point an hour away. When our transport arrived in Trulli we were to tour the ancient city before embarking on our daily ride. Since the temperature had dropped to less than 50 degrees and we were

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