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mermaids swimming along side the boat ….

It wasn’t long after leaving Toronto before we began seeing the signs for Niagara Falls and no sooner had we passed the first sign than the debate began-should we view the falls from the Canadian side or from the U.S.?

Since we had spent all our loonies and toonies at Tim Horton’s for breakfast we opted for the U.S. view which would also allow use our two dollar bills. We arrived at oldest state park in the US of A (you see I do read the signs) and rented a boat called “The Maid of the Mist” (along with 75 others) to take us right up to where we could feel the thunder of the falls.

After an elevator ride down to the river we were issued lovely transparent blue “mist” coats and were welcomed aboard the Maid of the Mist. We took our places at the front of the boat and soon the captain headed up toward the falls.

As the boat drew close to the falls the mist fogged my camera, so I had to put the camera under my “mist” coat to keep it dry. As we edged even closer I had to take my glasses off because they were so completely misted that I couldn’t see the falls. I am sure it was a beautiful sight below the falls but without my glasses I had to rely on Garrett to tell me what I was not seeing.[slideshow]

Garrett was quite patient and described the details of the scene that we had become apart of, “Uncle Rusty, there is a lot of water falling from way far up above our heads and making a splash in front of us. Schools of salmon are jumping up from in front of the boat to the top of the falls. There is a huge rainbow from Canada to the U.S. There are mermaids swimming along side the boat ….”

I should have picked a less humorous translator.

Next stop – Cleeeveland rocks!

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