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PTZ lights?

Do you know what today is?
Yes, it’s Tuesday, that’s for sure.
And yes, it’s June 1st.

But did you know that it is also the Duck’s 31st birthday? Well, it is.
And I am so happy to be able to say that.

You know last year, on our 30th birthday, there was some actual real worry that we may not make it to this day, not as the Duck anyway.  It was close. Really, really close. But here we are.

I want to raise a glass today.
Yes, I want to raise a glass to celebrate, for sure.
But more importantly, I want to raise a glass to you.

To you, who made it possible for us to see our way through the last year.  To you, who became drive by duckers every week buying lunch from our curbside kitchen.  To you who made it possible for us to feed-the-frontline  almost every week. And to you who purchased tee shirts and gift cards.

Thank you, thank you all.
One of the very best things to come from this, the year that never was, was Live from Norfolk Street. I hope that we will be able to continue to grow our membership in LFNS because with our live-streams we are able to help the artists who play here reach an international audience.

Those of you who are  have enabled us to not only purchase our PTZ cameras, controller boxes, cabling and a computer to run it all with, but this week, a very special team from Memphis (yes, we got to finally see Michael and Alice after fourteen of the longest months ever!) came home and installed, are you ready for this? PTZ lights!

Okay, they aren’t actually called PTZ lights but they do P(pan)T(tilt)Z(zoom) and I don’t know what else to call them.

Now TWWNCNBUIP can stop fretting because Shane and I don’t have to climb up the ladder before every show to adjust the lights. Now it can been done remotely from the office. I mean, can it get any cooler than that? (and safer says the worrier.)

Thank you to every one of you for making our livestreams possible…it’s pretty cool to see folks tuning in to our

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