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A little Van Halen

Another storm is coming through so RECORDS ON THE PATIO is happening on Saturday at 8pm this week. And expect a LOT of Van Halen in this set.

When I was 12 in 1984, I heard this song ‘Jump’ on the radio and thought it was the coolest song ever. I mowed lawns with my father all summer and after I collected enough quarters per yard, I asked my mom to drop me off at the Brazos Mall. After spending a couple dollars on Donkey Kong at the arcade, I set off to Hastings in search of Van Halen ‘1984′. I marched over in my green O.P. Corduroy shorts, a.d.i.d.a.s. half shirt, and my white tube socks with stripes, and purchased my First Cassette Ever.

Upon leaving the record store, I sat down on a bench and proceeded to take the 15 minutes to unwrap the cellophane on the tape (taking in the aroma of all the glory of a brand new cassette). I read all the liner notes, credits, and thank you’s with the cover sprawled out like a Santa list on full display so everyone could know I just bought the mighty Van Halen. I had no idea what was on the rest of the record until I got home and was forever completely hooked on rock and roll.

Van Halen was my first band. Eddie Van Halen is my guy. I will still argue to the end he is the greatest that ever lived. So come listen to some records with me! You don’t have to love Van Halen because I will play tons of other stuff too, but I may try to turn you into a fan also.

See you Saturday!

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